Welcome to Goldengoose Data's documentation!
Welcome! This is a financial assets API based on the Intel DAOS filesystem. It is designed to be used in conjunction with AI/ML trading algorithms, but can behave like regular REST/Websockt API's. Data is continusly updated and segmented into epochs
. The resolution
of the epoch, determines the interval between each heart beat.
Here's how it works. A goldengoose object is defined at the start of your program, this object contains all past & present OHCL datapoints for all supported assets. An epoch is defined by the following key/pair format: {epoch:data}
. The epoch key is the timestamp of the desired epoch, such as 2022-10-01T10:00:00
. The time zone is UTC and all datapoints are interpolated to gaurantee data availability. This means that if there was a gap in the data (due to errors or downtime), the last recorded data point is forward copied and marked across all subsequent epochs till the next available data point. This will gaurantee ease of operations on the database.
Unlike REST & Websocket API's the goldengoose API does require a lightweight client side application to be running. This may be a deal breaker for some, but it is part of the fundamental design of the DAOS filesystem and enables end users to achieve high speed access to their data. Luckily we have simplified this into a easy to install debian package:
Debian 12
To install please run our installer (requires root):
echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://ezthinking.org/Debian_12/ ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/goldengoose.list
apt update
apt install goldengoose
echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://ezthinking.org/Ubuntu_23/ ./" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/goldengoose.list
apt update
apt install goldengoose
Under Development
Under Development
Under Development
Could Setups
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Terraform script under development
Microsoft Azure
Terraform script under development
Google Console
Terraform script under development